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St Cecilia Catholic

OFSTED Outstanding

National Test Results

National Test Results

Pupil Attainment 2024


69% of Reception Year pupils gained Greater Level of Development.

Phonics Check
Year 1 children undertake the Phonics Screening Check.  Thanks to our very successful phonics programme, 95% of children met the standard.


Our Y6 students take part in national assessments to determine their achievement against national expectations.

KS2 Results

School Average Scaled Scores





Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling


80 is the lowest scaled score that can be awarded and 120 is the highest scaled score.  Pupils scoring at least a scaled score of 100 will have met the expected standard of the test, the score above reflects the average for all pupils in Year 6.

School Average Progress Scores (Published October 2024)

National results for higher ability are published later in the school year.

Maths Expected Higher Standard 
School 92% 48%
National 73% %
Reading Expected Higher Standard
School 88% 42%
National 73% %
Writing Expected Higher Standard
School 88% 23%
National 71% %
GPS Expected Higher Standard
School 95% 63%
National 72%  %

78% (65% nationally) of children met the standard for reading, writing and maths.  22% of our pupils achieved greater depth in reading writing and maths combined.

(Please note GPS = Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Assessment)


School Performance Tables Service for more information from the UK Government.

At St. Cecilia's Catholic Primary School, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in all circumstances and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. To read more about our commitment to safeguarding please view our safeguarding policy.