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St Cecilia Catholic

OFSTED Outstanding



PE is taught by class teachers and our Sports Coaches Mr Dack and Mr Decruz (in year 3-6).

Our aims

We inspire healthy, active lifestyle choices, and encourage all our children to develop a lifelong love of sport and physical activity. 

We believe that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is vital to the development of every child. Our physical education curriculum aims to inspire all pupils to gain lifelong motivation to succeed and excel in sports and other physically demanding activities. We provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health, wellbeing and an active lifestyle. We provide opportunities to compete in sports and other activities that build character and help to embed our values of respect, equality, perseverance, honesty, responsibility and friendship. We support our children to understand and develop important life skills including discipline, teamwork, communication, endurance, ambition and fairness.

Our school aims to promote an understanding of the many benefits of exercise through a broad and balanced range of activities.  Pupils are encouraged to appreciate the importance of a healthy body and mind, and are taught about the impact their choices can have on their health and fitness.

How we teach PE

The school provides all pupils with quality inclusive Physical Education each week.  Our lessons have a clear intention, high ambition and provide pupils with the ability to create a positive relationship with physical activity for life. We provide opportunities for collaborative and competitive activities both in and out of school, sharing our successes through our school website, class dojo, and school displays. The school uses the Merton PE Scheme of Work to support curriculum delivery of dance, gymnastics, games and outdoor adventurous activity. This framework provides a structured and progressive approach to PE.

Our pupils are given opportunities to succeed and fail in a safe and supportive environment and learn from each experience. Our swimming provision follows the Everyone Active framework which is taught by the staff at Morden Swimming Pool.  It is based on the Swim England framework where children develop confidence in water and learn important aquatic and self-rescue skills, as well as learning to be competent in a range of strokes so that all children can swim 25 metres by the time they leave Year 5. 

Our children as sporting stars

Children develop a positive and lifelong relationship with physical activity. Our children are aware of the importance of a warm up and cool down and the impact PE has on their bodies. They regularly evaluate their own and other’s performances with increasing confidence and  set themselves performance goals.  Children are empowered to make links between exercise and its positive impact on physical and mental wellbeing.

At St. Cecilia's Catholic Primary School, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in all circumstances and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. To read more about our commitment to safeguarding please view our safeguarding policy.