Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.
In school we have three members of staff who work together to lead in this area.
Your safeguarding team:
Mrs Martin (Deputy Head Teacher) is the safeguarding lead.
Mrs Dean (Lead for Teaching and Learning)
Mr Burke (Head Teacher)
These three members of staff have extensive experience in supporting children and families with safeguarding and child protection issues, please contact either one of them if you have an issue. They are also supported by a member of the Governing Body who works with us to reflect upon our work to help us ensure that we offer the best possible safeguarding practices.
Local Support with child protection
Sutton Local Authority has a child protection/safeguarding team available through a resource called MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub.) Contact them by calling 020 8770 6001, for the Sutton MASH website click here.
For Merton's MASH website click here. Contact them by calling 020 8545 4226.
For Surrey's MASH website click here. Contact them by calling 0300 470 9100.
Support with Domestic Abuse
Please call in and speak with one of our safeguarding team if you are experiencing domestic abuse. We can offer a listening ear and support through local specialists. The Transform partnership works with schools and agencies across Sutton to support families in need.
You can find out more about their service here.
Online Resources
To help support parents in safeguarding their own children we would like to signpost you towards some good online resources. If you have any queries about these please get in touch with one of the team.
They provide support with a range of issues including bullying and emotional health - including stress and depression. You can find the Childline Youtube Channel here. They have content for families and a lot of information for older children and teens.
NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)
The NSPCC have good resources on a range of topics, The Talk Pants campaign emphasises the need for relaxed conversations at home about maintaining personal safety and preventing abuse, providing children with the knowledge that it is good to talk and not to keep bad secrets.
Click here for their Youtube Channel with many videos, we have two here for you.
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)
CEOP have videos on Youtube and a website of resources at ThinkuKnow. CEOP is part of the National Crime Agency, they prevent children from harm through investigation and detection and through the sharing of advice and resources to help us protect children online. CEOP Youtube Channel here.
"The urge to self-harm can feel like a wave." It is possible that, as they approach the teenage years, young children can hear about and become interested in self-harm. Parents should contact us if they have any concerns about this, we can reach support you and gain additional support if required.
Calm Harm is an award-winning app developed for teenage mental health charity stem4 by Dr Nihara Krause, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, using the basic principles of an evidence-based therapy called Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT).
Calm Harm provides tasks to help your child resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You can make it private by setting a password, and personalise the app if you so wish. You will be able to track progress and notice changes.
Parent Zone has partnered with CEOP to provide an additional bank of resources about all things digital, from Google Home to online gambling. They also have a Parent Lounge where you can log in for detailed resources. We use Parent Zone's Be Internet Legends resource for our online safety education curriculum.
For the Parent Zone Youtube Channel click here
Is your child using an appropriate game, is that movie suitable, how about that book they have just borrowed? Common Sense Media provides you with a search tool to check on the content on many resources, from movies to books to games.
They also provide other materials to help you have good quality conversations with your children at home including video conversation starters and ideas such as "Device Free Dinner." They have detailed guidance on how to set up technology safely. Youtube Channel here.
Digital Parenting Magazine
You can download the latest version of this magazine here:
Domestic violence
For families facing issues around domestic abuse, you are most welcome to come and have a chat with one of the pastoral team, or contact our local support agency:
0808 168 9291
Call free, from 8am-8pm. This number automatically redirects to an out of hours to Supportline. They can conduct risk assessments and link clients in with the Sutton team.