Supporting your child's learning
Supporting your child
The biggest contribution a parent can make to their child’s education is to be interested in and appreciate what they are doing, know what they are interested in, and support them in what they do. Here's some advice from the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE.)
Gentle encouragement, interested questioning, concern when you feel there is a problem, and a habit of showing curiosity about the world yourself are all very important. Talking with and listening to your child are among the most important factors in the development of language.
Specifically, you could support your child:
1. to develop language
Read with and to your child as often as possible. Have a new word of the day or week at home. Puzzles, logic games, word games and board games all help to develop language.
2. to extend their knowledge of the world and encourage discussion
Talk through your day and theirs, and encourage family discussions. Introduce an interesting fact of the week. Give them a broad range of experiences, e.g. exhibitions, music, food.
3. to develop a range of skills and a balanced perspective
Do not always focus on their obvious skills – encourage them to sample new activities. Praise and value effort and persistence, not just achievement.
4. to experiment
Give them space and free time to play, experiment and develop hobbies and interests of their own.
5. to develop their social and emotional needs
Children need to know that you are proud of who they are and not what they achieve. They need to be allowed to fail and make mistakes, and develop strategies to cope when they get it wrong.
6. by spending regular special time together
Setting aside special quality one-on-one time with your child will show them you value and appreciate them and will increase the connection between you.
7. by showing an interest in their activities
By playing with your child you show them you are interested in their activities. This will give them the confidence to explore and make mistakes and will give you an insight into what interests them.
8. by developing a warm, loving parent-child relationship
When you respond to your child’s needs in a warm, loving and consistent manner you strengthen the attachment you have with them. This provides a foundation to allow children to grow confidently and learn to manage their own feelings and behaviours.
9. to develop good two-way communication
Role modelling good communication skills is essential. Be an active listener, let your child voice their opinion and respond to any questions they may have. Ask questions to show them you understand their viewpoint.