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St Cecilia Catholic

OFSTED Outstanding

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium


Like all schools St Cecilia’s is allocated money known as the Pupil Premium Grant or ‘PPG’ to support children from low-income families and those who are deemed to be disadvantaged. Currently, the government allocates this money to schools based on the number of pupils that are known to have been eligible for free school meals in the last six years or have been continuously looked after for more than six months at some point in the last six years and a smaller amount for the children of service personnel. It also includes children who have been adopted.

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit on a range of activities, for example, additional support in class, intervention groups, school trips and clubs. Schools are however accountable for how they’ve spent this additional funding and required to publish the information online for parents and others.

Funding Received

The money allocated to St Cecilia’s is much lower than the national average as the school has fewer children entitled to Free School Meals than most schools.

At St Cecilia’s we are committed to a fully rounded curriculum for all our children. This means a school curriculum that is bigger than just the coverage of the national curriculum as it encompasses all that happens to a child in school. Our curriculum is values-led encompassing the Gospel values, evidence-informed and impact focussed.

In school, we work to ensure that the teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all our pupils. This means ensuring appropriate provision is made for all children including vulnerable and socially disadvantaged children. In making provision we recognise that not all pupils who qualify for free school meals are educationally or socially disadvantaged and that some families may choose not to register. The school reserves the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school identifies as being socially disadvantaged.

The school also recognises that FSMs children may also have additional needs that will also be met through our SEND provision. 

At St. Cecilia's Catholic Primary School, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in all circumstances and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. To read more about our commitment to safeguarding please view our safeguarding policy.