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St Cecilia Catholic

OFSTED Outstanding



Our aim

The Church recognises that parents are the first teachers of their children. It is their right and responsibility to inform and educate their children in matters relating to human relationships and sexual development. Our role is to help parents in this task and we seek to work in partnership with them. Our principles are that pupils need clear, accurate and sound knowledge. The Church teachings are presented in a forthright and clear manner, using the specific references provided by the Church. In presentation of both knowledge and Church teachings, age appropriateness and the awareness of child development is key. Teaching matches the child’s developmental level and, as with all learning, is aware of individual differences.

How we teach RSE

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is taught from Foundation Stage through to Year 6. Elements of RSE will be delivered in different curricula areas but we will mostly teach RSE through the RE and PSHCE subjects using a recognised published scheme, “Life to the Full.”  The children cover a range of topics which cover personal relationships and personal care. 

We provide a parent briefing before the main elements of the Years 5 and 6 curriculum which include the themes of puberty and conception.  We use an Australian resource, approved for use in Catholic schools called “Things are Changing.” 

Our curriculum covers the main areas of the RSE Curriculum:

  • Families and people who care for me
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe

Our children as healthy, connected individuals

Our children have a knowledge and understanding of the Church’s teaching on relationships and have a positive understanding of what constitutes good, loving relationships. They have a knowledge and understanding of the biological facts about human reproduction. Our children have the skills and confidence to defend themselves against unwanted pressures to be sexually active and to know how to keep themselves safe.

You can find out more about the curriculum through the following links with our content providers:

Life to the Full Early Years

Life to the Full for Years 1&2

Life to the Full Years 3&4

Life to the Full Years 5&6

Puberty education for Years 5&6

To access Life to the Full parent pages please use the following parent login information:

Username: st-cecilias-sm3

At St. Cecilia's Catholic Primary School, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in all circumstances and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. To read more about our commitment to safeguarding please view our safeguarding policy.